Root Chakra Course

It’s hard to look back on the traditional education system you dedicated at least twelve years of your life to, only to realize that the fundamental skills with which to inhabit a human body and not implode with crippling anxiety or generalized dis-ease were fully omitted. That instead, you learned square dancing in P.E. and how to master a scantron sheet with your freshly sharpened number two pencil. Of infinitely greater benefit would have been to learn something literally known as the “Laws of The Universe.” These concepts were historically taught in every culture and tradition dating back to ancient Egypt. However, our present-day consumer culture leaves us desperate for weekend recovery and if we’re lucky, we might earn a couple days of paid vacation each year. We are too exhausted to ask bigger questions about our existence, why everything is so hard, and how it could ever get better? The answers are found in these Seven Universal Laws.

This course is called the Root Chakra Course, as the root is the foundation. It is the chakra located at the base of our spine and reflects the building blocks of survival. I am teaching through this lens as we are all living in a state of survival at this time. We must crawl before learning to walk. This offering is intended to rewrite your foundations, your root. To learn about yourself and how you interact with the world. To bring back your sense of personal power and to ultimately feel alive again.

I would invite you to view the first module of the Root Chakra Course for free. If it resonates for your path, I know that the full course will bring your world to a whole new state of ignited awareness and joy.

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What you get.

Learn how to quiet your mind with the use of ancient Hermetic wisdom, psychology and comparative spirituality. Apply these skills to the foundational lens of the root chakra in order to crush the incessant “monkey-mind” that prevents access to true peace.

What you get:

  • Access to over ten hours of digital educational content.

  •  All materials needed for reference and printout.

  •  Access to revisit content at any time.

  •  Access to future membership content in development at a discounted rate for a limited time.

Try The First Class For Free

The Law of Vibration: Nothing rests. Everything moves, everything vibrates.” - The Kybalion

In the first module, I introduce myself and “my why,” including a long-standing career in mental health and a spontaneous kundalini awakening, which has led me to the understanding of precisely what limits people from achieving sustainable change, while daily battling what I call, “the density.” (dun-dun-dun) Learn about the three incarnations of the ancient wisdom I will be teaching from: The Emerald Tablets, The Corpus Hermeticum, and The Kybalion. From these texts, I refer to what is known of the Seven Laws of the Universe. Each module will cover a different law, which is taught through the multidimensional lens of: science, history, psychology, spirituality/religion, philosophy, geometry and music.

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